“Big Magic” by Elizabeth Gilbert

If you have even the slightest creative seed in your soul, you’ll love this book, letting your creative seed grow into something incredible and beautiful.

The Plot: We follow captivating author’s talk about everything that deals with creativity. Even though you’re not a creative soul in a professional way, this book will conquer your heart. Even non-creative jobs can possess the slightest creative hint that helps you do this job with your wings wide. We follow the author’s cute musings about muse, ideas, and the relationships you can establish with them. The author shares her own experiences and the ones that belonged to other people. These experiences can help you to look at the professional and (sometimes) personal aspects of your life from a creative perspective without fear!

The Writing Style: I adored this book from cover to cover! I’ll definitely reread it soon because the writing style seemed like a letter that I had received from an old friend. Truly, deeply, vividly – these are three words that describe how I felt about this book. It’s touching and sarcastic, straight-to-the-point, lyrical and realistic. I intentionally read it slowly to savor it as deeply as I could!

The fave quote: There are a lot of quotes I wrote out for myself. One of them:

“Gratitude. Always.”

Would I read other books by this author: Absolutely, yes!

My humble rating is: 5/5

I do hope you’ll love reading this book as much as I did!

“Big Magic” by Elizabeth Gilbert is available on Amazon.

Anyway, thank you for dropping by and reading this post!

Stay safe, take care, and happy reading!

#EllenKhodakivska #writerslife #BigMagic #booklover #amreading #amwriting #bookreview #WhatToRead #ElizabethGilbert #books #creativeliving

“Before The Coffee Gets Cold” by Toshikazu Kawaguchi

If you enjoy reading heart-warming books about time travel with cozy mysteries, you’ll enjoy reading this book.

The Plot: We follow different people who enjoy spending time in the café in a small back alley in Tokyo. This café is old and offers something exceptional for its customers. They have a chance to travel back in time. But everything is not as simple as it may seem at first sight. There are many rules the customers should follow if they want to set off on a journey back in time.

The Writing Style: The translation was excellent. This small book could be read in one sitting. It’s well-paced and has some slight twists and turns. There is a presence of a cozy mystery that envelops me with warmth and positive vibes. There were a lot of heart-squeezing moments that made me sob a bit. Meantime, there are enough heart-warming ones that inspired and encouraged greatly. The book is very cleverly written, and it made me process a lot of things after reading it. It is a kind, touching, and wise book about time, time riddles, and time travel.

The Characters: The number of the characters is numerous. It took me some time to adapt and get acquainted with all of the characters. However, the most emotional connection I felt was only at the end of the book. Even though the characters are portrayed brilliantly. There was no problem in visualizing them to the fullest.

The fave quote: “Thank you for growing up so happily and healthily. Just by growing up so fit and well, you have made me so happy. That’s all I want to say to you…this is how I feel deep down.”

Would I read other books by this author: Probably, yes!

My humble rating is: 4/5

I gave such a rating just because I had probably expected a bit more, but still, the book is beautiful, and I enjoyed reading it. And I hope you’ll enjoy reading it too.

I enjoy reading books by Japanese authors, and I’ll read the other books by Toshikazu Kawaguchi.  

“Before The Coffee Gets Gold” is available on Amazon.

Anyway, thank you for dropping by and reading this post! Stay safe, take care, and happy reading!

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“Dust and Crown” by HavelahMclat (ARC review)

If you enjoy reading beautiful books about faeries with a slight historical hint, you’ll enjoy reading this novella.

The Plot:   We follow the beautiful young fairy, Anastasia. The fairy faces the choice of whether to fight for the dust and crown or let the kingdom collapse. Meanwhile, Anastasia is about to find out what happened to her friend Ira, who was kind to her and helped her immensely. Anastasia sets off on an adventurous journey, where she meets new friends, faces new challenges, and solves some riddles.

The Writing Style: I literally savored this novella. The writing style is easy, adventurous, and enjoyable to read. I dived into the magical whirlpool of dangerous adventures, solid friendships, heartwarming and heart-squeezing feelings, captivating riddles, and elegant musical scenes. The world-building is well-thought, and the slight historical aspect is masterfully included in the plot. This graceful novella conquered my bookish soul from the first lines and kept me in suspense till the last chapter. By the way, my favorite chapter is 13. Why? If you enjoy charming scenes with elegant outfits and music of the same style, you’ll like it as much as I did.

The Characters:  There are many fantastic characters. Both villains and heroes are portrayed brilliantly! A solid emotional bridge was established between me and the characters at once! So you won’t get lost! On the contrary, you can’t get enough of their captivating adventures.

Fave quote: I’ll add the quote when the book is officially out! 🙂

Would I read other books by this author: Sure!

My humble rating is: 5/5

P.S. I’m enormously grateful to Havelah McLat for an opportunity to read an ARC copy of “Dust and Crown.”

I sincerely hope that you’ll enjoy reading this glorious novella as much as I did.

The release date is on July 10, 2024.

The Pre-order is available on Amazon.

Thank you for dropping by and reading this post!

Stay safe, take care, and happy reading!

#EllenKhodakivska #writerslife #whattoread #DustAndCrown #fantasy #HavelahMcLat #indieauthor #booklover #readerslife #amreading #amwriting #books

“Fairytales Live Here” / Cover Reveal

Hello, book lovers!

I’m so thrilled and happy to share with you some great news!

My 7th book, a collection of bedtime stories, “Fairytales Live Here,” will be released on the 9th of July, 2024! (on my B-Day:) )

They say childhood is a fairy kingdom that closes its doors when you grow up. But what if there is a way to get back to this realm, even if only for a while? 

The book cover is created by GetCovers.

Editor – amazing Havelah McLat.

If you have kids or your inner child is alive, and you’re curious to dive into the fairy world, “Fairytales Live Here” is available for pre-order on Amazon.

I do hope that you or your kids will enjoy reading “Fairytales Live Here” as much as I enjoyed writing it!

Anyway, thank you so much for dropping by, reading this post, and watching this video!

Stay safe, take care, and happy reading!

#writerslife #FairytalesLiveHere #bedtimestories #booksforkids #EllenKhodakivska #writer #amreading #amwriting #indieauthor #childrensbook #fiction #animals #adventures

“Broken Chances” by Eve Koguce

If you want to dive into a brilliant, contemporary, clean romance with slight twists, beautiful sceneries, and cozy mystery, “Broken Chances” is what you need.

“Childhood is about being reckless.” Eve Koguce, “Broken Chances”

The Plot:  We follow a young Latvian girl named Margo. She is married to a man who is much older than her. At first sight, her life seems perfect – the cozy house, loving husband, and picturesque views of Southwest England. Margo and Michael live happily on the Isle of Southbay. But, all of a sudden, it appears that the rift in the lute starts directly after the wedding day. Time flies, and this rift becomes more and more visible not just for Margo but a small community. Margo does her best to glue broken marriage, dreams, and expectations, but things get worse and worse. Can one mistake ruin everything? Or is even a little mistake part of something bigger?

The Writing Style: This book is one more gem from the incredibly talented author – Eve Koguce. I savored every single line of this novel. It is written at a comforting pace, with slight twists and turns. There are a lot of curious historical facts and notes. This contemporary, clean romance is written emotionally and cleverly. There is a balance between feelings and a rational mind. These two are waltzing perfectly together throughout the whole novel. This glorious page-turner is illuminative, encouraging, wise, captivating, heart-warming, and unputdownable.

The Characters: Even though the community where the main characters live is small, the number of characters is crowded. There are so many well-thought and vivid characters in this novel. I truly loved how the author managed to focus on how they all sit, smile, laugh, move, speak, etc. – the slightest detail brings them closer to me, making them memorable.

The Fave Quote: “Don’t start by looking for big issues. Always begin with checking the small things. Correct them, if the problem persists, it will inevitably be easier to find.”

Would I read other books by this author: Absolutely, yes!

My humble rating is: 5/5

P.S. If you have read and enjoyed “Gone With The Wind” and “The Thorn Birds,” you’ll enjoy reading “Broken Chances.” The novel also slightly reminds me of “The Casual Vacancy” by JK Rowling and one of the novels by Liane Moriarty.

“I feel happy and loved – not by a person, but the world itself.” Eve Koguce, “Broken Chances”

Eve Koguce is a master of glorious contemporary, clean romance with a historical layer and cozy, mysterious vibes.

I sincerely hope you’ll enjoy reading “Broken Chances” by Eve Koguce as much as I did.

Anyway, thank you so much for dropping by and reading this review.

Stay safe, take care, and happy reading!

#EllenKhodakivska #writerslife #bookreview #BrokenChances #EveKoguce #romance #novel #booklover #indieauthor #amreading #amwriting #whattoreadnext #writingcommunity #readingcommunity

“The Day I Shot Cupid” by Jennifer Love Hewitt

It is a glorious book full of personal experience, cute and wise quotes, and adorable, sarcastic remarks about love on different levels.

“Trust yourself and then trust others.” Jennifer Love Hewitt, “The Day I Shot Cupid”

The Plot:  We follow the author’s musings and reflections about love, different levels of relationships, women’s friendship, self-care, self-love, psychological moments of meeting new people, and the art of cherishing yourself. The author intertwined personal experience with the stories of other people cutely and cleverly.   

The Writing Style: This book is a collection of brilliant essays written in a light and enjoyable manner. However, it is much deeper than it may seem at first sight. It’s funny and wise, stylish and elegant, girlish and mature at the same time.

Fave quote: “Some people think it’s the first impression that matters most, but I think it’s the last.”

Would I read other books by these authors: I think, yes!

My humble rating is: 5/5

“And maybe real love is something we shouldn’t have to fight so damn hard for.” Jeniffer Love Hewitt, “The Day I Shot Cupid”

Also, I genuinely enjoy watching movies with Jennifer Love Hewitt. She is one of my favorite actresses. That’s why I felt pretty curious to take a look at this talented, creative soul from the perspective of a writer. I didn’t regret buying the book. I enjoyed reading it from cover to cover.

“The Day I Shot Cupid” is available on Amazon.

I do hope you’ll have a great time with this glorious and cute book.

Anyway, thank you for dropping by and reading this review.

Stay safe, take care, and happy reading.

#EllenKhodakivska #writerslife #JenniferLoveHewitt #TheDayIShotCupid #cutebook #whattoread #amreading #amwriting #booklover #bookreview #love #relationship #selfcare

“Like A Charm” by Elle McNicoll

This book is one of the most beautiful and charming books about magic I’ve recently read.

The Plot: We follow little Ramya Knox. She lives in Edinburgh, which appears to be filled with magical creatures. No one can see them except Ramya. Her beloved grandfather passes away and leaves Ramya with a knot of family secrets and riddles. Three words – Beware the Sirens – are one of the clues the grandfather leaves to his granddaughter. Ramya dives into the magical and dangerous adventure that changes her life upside down.

The Writing Style: The story is written easily, enchantingly, and beautifully. It is well-paced and twisty. The world-building absolutely conquered my bookish heart, making me feel like I was living the story to the fullest. This magical, action-packed story is full of slight sarcastic humor, highlighting the flaws of modern society. This vivid, captivating, gentle, kind, illuminative, and inspiring book for young minds and all those who believe in magic around us is the best fantasy book I’ve recently read. Many brilliant metaphors, comparisons, and quotes made me smile. If I had no distractions, I would read this book in one sitting.

“Stories are like footprints that can never be washed away…Even if the print fades or the pages rot or the writer is long gone…the story just moves into someone else’s head. It finds a new place to live.” Elle McNicoll, “Like A Charm”

The Characters: The book is full of numerous enchanting and intriguing characters. One of the things that I loved most about them was how deeply and accurately the writer portrayed their traits of character and feelings. The process of growing up, inner transformations, and exploring the world around them (the magical and real ones) is brilliantly depicted in the characters along the way the story unfolds.

The Fave Quote: “You are water. Water does not let the wind blow it in whichever direction it wishes. Water moves under its own laws.”

Would I read other books by this author: Undoubtedly!

My humble rating is: 5/5

“Books are like pockets of time…Little artefacts from other cultures and other periods of history. You can go to a museum where they put everything behind the glass and won’t let you touch things. Or you can read a book. I like knowing that some other being pored over the words I’m reading. That we’re connected.” Elle McNicoll, “Like A Charm”

“Like A Charm” by Elle McNicoll reminds me a bit of “Grimm” series. So, if you watched these series and enjoyed them, you’ll have a fantastic time with “Like A Charm.” This book is truly enchanting and will keep you under its spell from cover to cover.

“Like A Charm” by Elle McNicoll is available on Amazon.

I do hope you’ll enjoy reading this book as much as I did.

Anyway, thank you for dropping by and reading this post!

Stay safe, take care, and happy reading!

P.S. The bookmark is by beautiful Victoria (What Victoria Read)

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“Fire and Ivy” by Todd W. Hiller

If you enjoy reading fire-faced, psychologically tough, and twisty thrillers, “Fire and Ivy” is what you need.

The Plot:  We follow twenty-one-year-old Amanda. She lives her cozy life until one day when, she finds herself on the threshold of death in the strange house. She is lucky to survive. Amanda is physically alive, but mentally, she feels like the walking dead. Every tiny step toward everyday life unfolds the darkest secrets that conceal a mortal danger. However, Amanda is ready to face the next hazard and to leave all this nightmare behind as much as possible.

The Writing Style: I almost swallowed the book as the writing style is fast-paced, intriguing, and keeps in suspense from cover to cover. There are so many intriguing twists and turns in this book that kept me curious about the motives of the main villain and the fate of other characters. There are a lot of cozy, heart-warming, and inspirational moments. One of them that struck me the most dealt with the power of little things that were essential for the main character. The little things contributed significantly to the long way of recovery. The book is dark and light, tragic and touching, cozy and dynamic.

The Characters:  The writer portrayed the main characters with love and gentle care. It seemed like they became my friends from the first chapters. The villains were depicted in such a perfect way that I felt disgust and hatred for them at the first acquaintance. Well, the characters whirled in a tornado of a variety of emotions throughout the book, and I definitely felt emotionally connected with them.

Would I read other books by this author: Sure!

My humble rating is: 5/5

“Fire and Ivy” by Todd W. Hiller reminds me a bit of the “911” series. It’s action-packed, wise, captivating, and keeps the reader curious from chapter to chapter. So, if you watched these series and enjoyed them, you’ll have a fabulous time with “Fire and Ivy.”

“Fire and Ivy” by Todd W. Hiller is available on Amazon.

I do hope you’ll enjoy reading this book as much as I did.

Anyway, thank you for dropping by and reading this post!

Stay safe, take care, and happy reading!

#writerslife #EllenKhodakivkska #bookreview #FireAndIvy #ToddHiller #thriller #whattoread #booklover #amreading #writingcommunity #readingcommunity

“Just Johnathan” by Donna Scuvotti

This book is one of the most dazzling psychological crime thrillers with elements of love and drama that I’ve recently read.

“I always had hope in my back pocket.” Donna Scuvotti, “Just Jonathan”

The Plot:  We follow thirteen-year-old Jonathan. His mother dies in a terrific car accident, and his father doesn’t cope with the tragedy and starts drinking. Little Jonathan grieves and suffers deeply. One day, the boy wanders along the forest and faces something that changes his life again. This forest is full of mortal danger and secrets. Even though it is too risky to try to deal with some of them, Jonathan takes a risk, and the events start to develop unexpectedly.

The Writing Style: I savored every page of this book. It was juicy and deep, tough and touching, dynamic and captivating. There were some smooth twists and turns, but still, while the events unfolded, I worried about the main characters. The book balances beautifully between the heart-squeezing and heart-warming scenes. I sobbed a couple of times because the writer succeeded in establishing a solid emotional bridge between me and the characters whose lives were stormy and challenging. Meantime, I sighed with deep relief and smiled when some of them finally saw the silver lining. Life and death, danger and safety, past and present, waltz along the whole story, making it unputdownable.

The Characters: There are a few characters in this superb crime thriller. But! I totally adored every single character. They are well-thought, vivid, and memorable. The writer managed to portray the villain so masterfully, cleverly, and extraordinary that it caused a controversial attitude to him. In my humble opinion,  when the villain causes mixed feelings, it means that the writer did a great job – you’ll process, talk, and discuss the book and its characters long after finishing reading it.

“Baby steps in the right direction are always welcome.” Donna Scuvotti, “Just Jonathan”

The Fave Quote: “Baby steps in the right direction are always welcome.”

Would I read other books by this author: Absolutely yes!

My humble rating is: 5/5

“Just Jonathan” by Donna Scuvotti reminds me a bit of “Dexter” and “The Following” series. So, if you watched these series and enjoyed them, you’ll have a great time with “Just Jonathan.” It also reminds me of the brilliant crime psychological thrillers by Jo Nesbo. If you still haven’t read the books by this Norwegian writer, don’t hesitate to read them. But first, read “Just Jonathan.” This book is truly awesome and will keep you in suspense from cover to cover.

“Just Jonathan” by Donna Scuvotti is available on Amazon.

I do hope you’ll enjoy reading this book as much as I did.

Anyway, thank you for dropping by and reading this post!

Stay safe, take care, and happy reading!

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🐚“The White Water”🤍

🐚Hello, dear reader!

🤍 If you enjoy true based stories with fantasy and mystical elements, you’ll enjoy reading “The White Water.” 

🤍Make sure your intentions are crystal before diving into “The White Water!”

🤍There is no chance to lie to “The White Water.” The slightest lie can be fatal.

🤍Buckle up and say ‘yes’ to new adventures in the mystic world of “The White Water!”

🤍Thank you for dropping by and reading this post!

🤍 Stay safe, take care, and happy bookish diving!

🐚The book is available on Amazon!

#writerslife #amwriting #publishing #unitedbookstagram #booksbooksbooks #amwriting #whattoreadnext #whattoread #novel #romance #truebasedstory #mystic #fantasy #newrelease #TheWhiteWater